Friday, December 24, 2010

June 26th 2010...

The Wedding Day...

June 26th 2010 was the best day of my life (I know that is cliche to say but it really was). It was also the happiest I have seen my family since before my mother got sick. My father was all smiles, from ear to ear, that whole weekend. Just recently he told me that I could get married again if I wanted to as long as it was to Dustin. He made me cry when he said that because I knew how special of a day that was for him too and how much he likes Dustin.

Dustin and I decided to have a small wedding in my parents backyard and the reception across the street at my dear family friends (The Todd's) house. It took us about 3 months of almost every weekend to get the back yard at my Dad's house cleaned up. Those where great Sundays, we would work all day and then have dinner with my Dad and Sisters. We invited about 110 people and just about every single one of them RSVP'd and came. Dustin's friends and family came from Lakeport. My college friends came from all over: Canada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon. My local family friends and family and even family from Seattle came down. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family that would make it to Sacramento for our wedding.

Here are just some of the over 300 pictures Megan Welker took of the wedding...

Dustin's Mother made this for us

Isn't he Handsome

My Girls

Ugly Cry Face...Haha


Family Wedding Dress that was too small for me

Lars made the tissue balls

My Aunt Kathryn did the flowers...Simply Blossoms

The Burgers

Wedding Party

Burger/Jepsen Side

Scott Side

Curtis Side

Momma Burger

Poppa Curtis

So Happy



Our First Dance was Hijacked

By the Cutest Thing Ever

Idaho Girls


My Parents used these Glasses on the Wedding Day

Here are more pics...

Viva La Mexico...

The Story of Our Engagement...

Spring 2009, Dustin and I decided we wanted to go on vacation together. We went down to the Woodland Travel Agent and got a bunch of info on cruises: Mexican, Caribbean, Alaska. We didn't know where we wanted to go. We choose the Mexican Rivera cruise with Carnival on the Splendor. The saving started, the passport paper work started, the conspiring on how to get alcohol onto the boat started.

We where set to depart on November 8th (coincidentally my Mothers birthday). We drove in my 2 door Honda Civic all the way to the port of Long Beach the day of departure.

Of course we got there super early, I HATE being late (Early is "On Time", On time is "Late" and Late is "You should have never shown up" - College mentality).

We got settled...

Set up the Mini Bar...
Yes...That water jug is FULL of Vodka (walked it right on to the Ship).

We celebrated being on Vaca with a couple drinks and then it was dinner time to meet our dinner mates. We sat with 3 other couples all from the LA area. Dinner came and went, GREAT food, as much as you want. We took a walk around the boat and decided to go back to our room and go to sleep. As I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face Dustin was busy fussing around with his luggage. I walked out and Dustin was standing there with his hand behind his back and telling me to sit down. I looked like a mess: hair up, make up off, pj's on, contacts out (I hadn't put my glasses on yet, so I was blind). He kneels in front of me and asked me to marry him. The moment he takes out the ring I started crying (what a baby huh?). I have been holding onto a ring I found when my family was cleaning out my Great Grandmother apartment after she pasted away. It was stoneless and Dustin took it to a jeweler and got stones put in it just for me.

The rest of the trip was amazing. We had so much fun. We saw comedy shows, saw musical shows, gave our money to the Ship (gambled), laid by the salt water pool in the adult area and ate A LOT of yummy food. We went on a Tequila Factory tour in Puerto Vallarta, Rhino 4x4 tour in Cabo San Lucas and just walked around the Golden Zone in Mazatlan...

Tequila Factory Tour

Rhino 4x4 Tour

The Golden Zone Beach

Here is us on one of the Cruise Elegant nights...

I would definitely go on a cruise again...

Funny Side story about our Cruise...

We didn't leave the port until about 6 hours after we were set to depart due to the fact the while the ship was being loaded, a loader hit one of the loading doors with a fork lift cause the door to not close properly. Which they spent all those 6 hours trying to fix and make water tight before the Captain would allow the ship to leave the dock. Then we were on day 2 of being out to sea and had to turn around and go back toward San Diego because we needed to get a passenger back to the USA for medical treatment. We made it far enough for a lift flight to come and land on the ship and take the passenger away...

Fast Forward a year exactly to the date...

This happens...
'Extremely trying' situation for passengers on fire-damaged Carnival Splendor
We made it to all our first destination on time but the cruise was not as slow as it should have been.
I suggest if you want to go on the Mexican Rivera Cruise to avoid the Splendor, especially on or around the first week in November...haha.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ahhh F*** NO...

Those were the first words Dustin heard out of my mouth the moment we met. So lady like, huh?

Story goes...

I had gone up to Konocti Resort on BEAUTIFUL Clear Lake, CA, to see a Drop Kick Murphy concert with a group of friends. I had never heard of the band before but was told that they were an Boston Irish Punk Band. We had spent the day of the concert on the Lake enjoying ourselves, I was nursing a horrible hang over from the night before, but I was determined to feel better for the concert that night.

Concert came and was over before we knew it...Great concert, ears were ringing for the rest of the night (we had front row seats), I ended up losing my voice for the next week. Time to go to the after party at the resorts bar. Practically everyone from the concert was there. As we were walking out to the patio area I had notice a VERY tall, handsome man, who as I looked at him bent down to talk to his friend while pointing in my direction. Next thing I know this strange guy was over talking to us. The conversation went something like this...

Strange Guy: Hi my name is Sam.
Us: Nice to meet you Sam.
Sam: See my Tall friend over there...
Us: Yes?
Sam: He's going through a divorce....

I didn't let him finish. I walked away from the conversation. I went straight over to this Tall guy (who had his back to me, he had no idea what Sam just did). Tapped him on the shoulder. He turns around, startled that I was standing there.

I open my mouth and said "Ahhh F*** NO. You have your friend come over and hit on me for you?"

Dustin didn't know what to say. Haha. I scared him. I'm actually surprised that after that first sentence he still wanted to get to know me. We spent the rest of the night hanging out and talking. Which included a trip to J and the B (Jack in the Box), that's where I found out his last name was BURGER, I was instantly in love. He brought me back to my room at about 4am, I think. He got my number, gave me a kiss and left. I was so nervous I couldn't sleep, I wanted him to call so bad, but I had horrible cell service on the resort grounds. Dustin told me later that him and his friends had noticed me at the concert and when I walked into the bar he was pointing me out so he and his friend could go talk to me later.

Well he did call me!!!

We spent that whole day together...and not been apart since.

This picture was taken moments after my dirty mouthed words were spoken...One of the best days of my life!