Friday, December 24, 2010

June 26th 2010...

The Wedding Day...

June 26th 2010 was the best day of my life (I know that is cliche to say but it really was). It was also the happiest I have seen my family since before my mother got sick. My father was all smiles, from ear to ear, that whole weekend. Just recently he told me that I could get married again if I wanted to as long as it was to Dustin. He made me cry when he said that because I knew how special of a day that was for him too and how much he likes Dustin.

Dustin and I decided to have a small wedding in my parents backyard and the reception across the street at my dear family friends (The Todd's) house. It took us about 3 months of almost every weekend to get the back yard at my Dad's house cleaned up. Those where great Sundays, we would work all day and then have dinner with my Dad and Sisters. We invited about 110 people and just about every single one of them RSVP'd and came. Dustin's friends and family came from Lakeport. My college friends came from all over: Canada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon. My local family friends and family and even family from Seattle came down. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family that would make it to Sacramento for our wedding.

Here are just some of the over 300 pictures Megan Welker took of the wedding...

Dustin's Mother made this for us

Isn't he Handsome

My Girls

Ugly Cry Face...Haha


Family Wedding Dress that was too small for me

Lars made the tissue balls

My Aunt Kathryn did the flowers...Simply Blossoms

The Burgers

Wedding Party

Burger/Jepsen Side

Scott Side

Curtis Side

Momma Burger

Poppa Curtis

So Happy



Our First Dance was Hijacked

By the Cutest Thing Ever

Idaho Girls


My Parents used these Glasses on the Wedding Day

Here are more pics...


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