Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The House Update #5...

Ugh...Why is it taking so long...This is how I have been feeling lately.

It seems like we were never going to get into The House until yesterday. Dustin and I got up super early on our day off and spent the whole day over at The House working on the floor, and by golly we got it DONE! Yes I said it, We are done with the floor which means we can start moving in slowly. We still have the base boards to put in but we can do that while we have furniture in the middle of the rooms. We are going today after work to get the new door handles/hinges so we can hang the doors.

The Bathrooms are not done yet but we will work on them while we are living there. We decided to leave the Kitchen alone for now. Maybe next year we will get around to updating it. Until then we get to cook our meals on the wonderful '70s yellow tiel countertops...haha. But we did remove those ugly hanging cabinets that blocked our view of the kitchen knok. If we were 4 feet tall it'd be a different story.

Here is the Allure floor all complete in the Dining room...

We were able to transition the flooring from the Living Room into the Hallway seemlessly...

This flooring had to be the easiest flooring to lay down ever!!

Next is the move! YEAH!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The House Update #4...

We have been pretty busy working away at The House since the last time I posted. Once the texturizing was done it was on! We were on a mission this weekend to get the painting done no matter what! And we DID!! I'm happy to say that ALL the painting is done in the house, with the exception of the bathrooms (that's another story I'll get to later).

Dustin and I had not been agreeing on what to do with the living room ceiling. Remember it looked like this...

I wanted to leave it the way it was because I knew it was going to be hard to paint and I didn't want to be the one painting it. Dustin wanted to paint it, he wanted the ceiling a flat color and the beams a semi-gloss color. I agreed to finally help paint only if we did the WHOLE ceiling in the semi-gloss AND use a paint sprayer. Well Dustin did it all with me supervising. And now it looks like this...

Next we are onto finish up putting down the flooring. The Dining Room, Living Room, Hallway and Craft Room are all that's left to lay down. Once the floor is down we can FINALLY move in. While we are moved in we will work on getting the bathrooms done.

Which leads me to tell you a little story about the bathrooms...The weekend Dustin, his Uncle Lloyd and Cousin Gavin where trying to figure out why the attic fan was not working. So Dustin and Lloyd where up in the attic investigating. The attic fan is located in the front of the house right above the Master Bathroom. As Dustin and Lloyd where making their way across the beams, being careful to where they were stepping, Lloyd stepped on a beam thinking that it was secure. Well it wasn't, and his foot went through the roof of the Master Bathroom. Can you believe that! So now we really have to do some remodeling to the bathrooms...haha.

Stella & Dot by Erin Burger, Independent Stylist

I have wanted to get into selling this line of jewelry ever since my Aunt Debbie got my sister and I a pair of earrings for Christmas a couple years ago, those earring have become some of my favorite! I wasn't until recently that I really conisdered it something that I could do. I wanted to wait until we were settled into our new house before I got involved. I wanted to be have to designated spot in the house to set up my "Office".

I have a friend from college who sells for Stella & Dot, she had really been encouraging me, but I kept telling her in time, in time. Finally a situation happened at work that gave me the push to join the Stell & Dot team earlier than I wanted. With the new home and the decrease in income from work I finally had the drive and desire to do something the I'd LOVE. I've been missing that lately. One of the rooms in our house has been named the Craft Room, this is my room. I will finally have a space again to do what I love; quilting, sewing, scrapbooking...crafting! And I'll be able to make it my Stella & Dot office as well. I'm excited to get going on this new venture. I feel that it will really help me get to know people in Lakeport. I've been here for over a year and feel that I really dont know that many people. I mean I know people that know Dustin but I really haven't made any close friends. So if you want to get a sneak peek into what I will be selling please go to my Stella & Dot webpage and browse. If you see something you absolutely love Buy it, you will not regret it. The pieces of jewelry are beautiful! Also visit my Stella & Dot Facebook page and "Like" it to stay up to date on what's new. Thanks!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The House Update # 3...

So it's been awhile...We have been busy...Work, House, Sleep, Work, House, Sleep, repeat.

One day Dustin and I were feeling daring. So we attempted to do the texturing to the ceilings by ourselves, Dustin's Uncle Lloyd was going to help, but to common Dustin fashion he got too impatient and just started doing it. Literally he walked into the house with the stuff already mixed and the gun ready to start shooting.

With the texturizing down we could get onto painting rooms. Sharon and I got the Craft room and Guest room painted. Now onto the Dining room, Hallway, Bathrooms, Kitchen and Living room....goodness, I feel like the painting is never ending.

We have come to the realization that we are not going to be able to afford real hardwood...tear. But we found an awesome alternative which is more durable since we have very active doggies. You lay it down like hardwood in planks but it is just like a vinyl or laminate. It comes in so many different colors. Here is the color that I'm in love with...Allure Flooring.

Until next time...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The House Update #2...

Memorial Day weekend...

After a week of basically doing nothing at The House we got back to work. I was beginning to feel that we were starting too many jobs without getting any of them done. But finally this weekend I started to feel like we were getting jobs done.

Sharon and took all the doors down, hardware off and sanded them down to get them prepared to paint during the next couple of days. We painted the Master Bedroom in French Grey (walls) and Swiss Coffee (trim).

Colors for the House

Dustin fixed the drywall hole in the dinning room he made when figuring out if we could take down the fire place. Then actually walled in the fireplace with drywall.

Overall it was a productive weekend. I felt we got a lot done and still had a social life.

Tuesday May 31 - Sharon took it apon herself to finish removing the popcorn from the hallway and dinning room that Dustin had started but got side tracked from. She did a great job! She now has plans to do the Kitchen in the next couple of days. She has been such a great help, never asking if we needed help, always just showing up and picking up a tool.

This weekend we have my Father's birthday party in Sac on Sunday so I have a feeling not much will get done.

Until next time...

Monday, May 30, 2011

The House Update #1...

So I thought that I'd update everyone once a week or every other week, depending on how much we get done each week...

So as you know we FINALLY got into The House. After nearly 3 months of day dreaming about what we wanted to do to The House, we were finally able to start ripping things out and making it a reality.

There was a nasty smell to The House, like animal pee. So the first thing to go had to be the carpet. When we were doing all the fixes to get The House we had to fix some floor boards and when we pealed back the carpet there was a MAJOR pee stain. I could only imagine what the rest of the carpet was like, which was throughout the WHOLE house, including BOTH bathrooms. So we HAD to get the carpet out of The House ASAP. The official start of the renovations to The House started on Thursday May 20th 2011 at approximately 5pm. Dustin, Sharon (Dustin's mom) and I all were on a mission to get it out! We even took off the ugly '70s paneling on the wall in the living room. We ended just before 9pm.

Carpet in the Driveway...
 Tanner helped...

Friday May 20th -  I wake up from sleeping in (I had to work later that night, 11pm for Night Audit), Got ready and went over to The House around 1pm and started pulling up all the little staples that were left from the carpet padding that were stuck in the floor boards. We had pulled off the carpet tac strips the night before. Then I pulled all of the base boards off. By this time Sharon came over because she got home from work, Dustin came shortly after that. Sharon and I did a little weeding and then went to get our Friday night Pizzas (Laura you remember when we used to get Pizza every Friday night for dinner? That's one of my favorite memories of spending time with Mom on Friday night for pizza and movie nights). When we got back from getting dinner, Marcia, Lloyd and the Girls were there along with Gavin. After dinner I kinda just supervised, I was exhausted. Marcia and Sharon weeded more in the front yard with help from the Girls, while the guys worked on the back yard (chopping and mowing).

Saturday May 21st - Since I had to work Night Audit the night before I didn't get home until 8am. So I went straight to sleep until 3pm. I managed to get out of bed and over to The House where I walked into The House with NO popcorn ceiling...hooray! I helped clean up the mess it left (of course wearing a mask the whole time to not inhale the dust). Dustin wasn't very motivated to do much else after that because he had woken up super early to help the Fire department wash down the streets in downtown so his arms were super tired. We (when I say we it really means he most of the time) ended up deciding to open up the doorway from the living room/hallway into the kitchen. Just by taking out that couple of feet out of the wall really opened up the house. We hope to do the same to the wall that divides the kitchen to the dinning room some day. We then thought it would be an even better idea to knock out the fireplace and open the dining room to the living room. Well, come to find out the fireplace is made up of not only brick but cinder blocks as well. So that idea maybe knocked down instead of the fireplace...boo.

Ceiling with no Popcorn...
Dustin taking part of the wall down...
Not done, but you can invision it for now...
 Backyard freshly mowed, more to do but much better...

Sunday May 22nd - I worked Night Audit again but this time I only let myself sleep until noon. I spent the day removing wallpaper from the bathrooms. I was able to get the Guest bath done but the Master is going to be a hard one (it still needs to be finished). The wallpaper is probably original to the house, circa 1975. We decided that we didn't want the fireplace. It was in an odd spot in the house, took up a lot of room that could be used for something else plus I HATED it. We originally wanted to take it out and make the Dining room a part of the Living room but as we were taking the Fireplace out we realized that that was not going to be an option, the fireplace was a major support for the house. So instead we are going to hide it in the wall. It took Dustin the whole day to remove enough of the front of the Fireplace in order to add the wall in front of it.

No more wallpaper!
 Tired Dustin

Monday May 23rd - I wanted to sleep in, Dustin wanted to get up...it was 9am. Dustin finally convinced me to get up and we were off to The House for another day of adventure in DIYland. The game plan for the day was to finish the Fireplace, stain the Deck and the Popcorn in the Hallway and Dining room. We had to rent a jack hammer for a couple hours to remove the concrete from the floor of the Fireplace, which left a hole in the floor. We then filled a giant hole that was under the Fireplace with pieces of what we removed and concrete, to make sure it would never fall into the hole. While Dustin was working on the Fireplace, I managed to get the Deck stained all by myself and get the Water and PGE in our name. After all that we were spent, exhausted, ready to relax, so we went home early.

We spent the next work week taking some time off from The House. We were beat from the weekend before, plus a crazy work schedule and Erin going to Sacramento for her little sister high school graduation, we decided to lay low and wait for the weekend to begin again.

Stay tuned to find out what we did over Memorial Day weekend...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Sweet Home...

Dustin and I have been on the hunt for our first house since we moved to Lakeport over a year ago. I can not remember how many houses we looked at. We put an offer in on a couple of them and never even got a eye bat in our direction. We were always beat out by people buying the house with CASH (who has that much laying around these days). We started to look at houses without any excitement or expectations until we saw this one.
This house was perfect; in our price range, in town (even though Dustin wanted Scotts Valley), down the street or around the corner from Family. I was in love, Dustin just wanted a place to put his tools and park his Rock Crawler.

We are lucky enough to know a FABULOUS realtor, our friend Heidi. She is great! We found our house and she fought for the Seller to look at our offer and sure enough they picked us. THEY PICKED US! We couldn't believe it, a year later and we finally were one step closer to getting our very own house. We hammered out the details and the negotiating. In the end we agreed that the Buyer would fix up the Section 1 and Section 2 of the Pest in order to pass for the FHA Appraisal and the Seller would pay closing costs and buy down our interest rate. So technically we were putting money into a house that was not ours yet.

We had to fix the side deck and some other random issues one of which included the toilets (we ended up buying brand new ones, one of which is a handicap height, for us tall folk). 

We had a total of 3 date extensions (1 for us to be able to get the deck done and 2 because the Escrow company was so backed up), Finally after almost 3 months of waiting it is finally ours!

Here are the Pics from the Real Estate Listing...


Here are Pics I took today, the day we found out for sure the house was ours...The Before Pics (from Facebook)...

We have a lot of work ahead of us...
1. Remove Pop Corn Ceiling
2. Re-Texturize the Walls
3. Paint Walls/Doors
4. Lay Hardwood Floors
5. Remodel Guest Bath
6. Remodel Master Bath
7. Remodel Kitchen
8. Many more Little Things

I hope you stick around as I blog about our experience in DIY land...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


February 6 - 11, 2011

King of the Hammers!!!

I can not tell you how excited I was leading up to this event and how excited I am for next years event. Dustin and I went last year for the first time and vowed to go every year after. So 2011 was our 2nd year going to this event. And boy was it fun! I will admit it may not have been as much fun as the first year but how can you compare to the first time you do anything. This year we knew our way around "Hammertown" and "Backdoor". We got to Hammertown early in the week. Dustin and I left Lakeport @ 10:30pm on Sunday and drove straight 12 hours thru the night, getting to Hammertown @ 10:30am on Monday.

For those who don't know what King of the Hammers is, here is short back story...
5 years ago 11 guys set out to make a race showcasing Desert Racing and Rock Crawling. They wanted to see what type of rig would make it to the finish line after a grueling 6-8 hour race through the desert. So King of the Hammers was born.

This year we brought our brand new/used Weekend Warrior (see The Warrior...). It was SUPER nice having a trailer out in the desert with the wind and dust. I was able to use a potty and take a shower. A couple weeks earlier we traded our '83 Toyota for a Rhino and Quad. I was sad to see The Midge go but excited for the new toys (they fit better in The Warrior). We left Hammertown on Saturday after a GREAT week in the Mojave Desert watching a GREAT race and hanging out with GREAT friends!

Dustin, Khloe and I enjoyed a couple of days by ourselves which allowed us to go exploring together and let Khloe run free...

Khloe loved the wind at the top of the hills...

Khloe got to be the Queen of the campsite...

Finally when the rest of Team Yodaism arrived it was time for some fun...

Rigs lined up waiting for their turn to try to go up Waterfall @ Backdoor (these are all personal rig, none of these were race rigs)...

Matt in the Rasin trying to get up the Waterfall @ Backdoor (that's Dustin in the Passenger seat)...

Team Yodaism waiting their turn to go up Chocolate Thunder...
(Bernie, Ed, Matt)

Ed and the Girls going up Jackhammer...

Whoops...Rollover @ Backdoor...

Half of Hammertown on the left and Backdoor on the right...

Race for the front in the middle of Chocolate Thunder...

Walls of people @ Backdoor...

Here is a picture of race day (Friday) looking into Hammertown when everyone was scrambling around...